Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Thunder and Reflection

It's one of those very rainy nights with an abundance of rolling thunder.  Kids love this kind of weather.  It makes them cah-razy.  This means Emerson will be back in my room in less than 15 minutes...again.  Robert is already next to me in bed.  So much for doing much of anything of any importance.  Joy.  I just went to turn off the lights and saw the three dirty bottles by the sink, the mounding piles of laundry, and the diaper bag, school bag, lunchbox, and purse that I dumped by the back door when we hurried in from the rain at 6pm.  Ugh.  I need at least 2 more of me.  One to do what I do now (which isn't much apparently).  One to keep up with what is going on in the moment (which is what I should have done yesterday).  And one to prep for tomorrow (which is what I should have done earlier today).  Do you see why I always feel behind?

This is when I often think of how it would be so much easier with two parents in the home.  But then I remember how I sometimes felt resentful when I was busy cleaning the kitchen, folding laundry, and trying to survive while my counterpart was busy doing anything but what I always needed at the time.  I don't ever want to feel that way again.  If I fail, then I fail alone.  If I succeed, I succeed alone.  Not a super pleasant thought but it's reality.

Emerson's back.  Time to play asleep.

And to lighten things back up a bit...(love this!)

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