Thursday, July 7, 2011

1st Pediatrician Appointment

When we left UAB, our appointments were all made for us. I guess they wanted to ensure we went? So we went to see Dr. Weinacker yesterday. I am certain it will be one of many.

Robert is 8 pounds 11 ounces (birth weight was 8 pounds 9 ounces)!

Our appointment consisted mainly of discussing what had happened at UAB and looking over the discharge paperwork (which detailed his birth, procedures, doctors, tests, and results). Yesterday, Robert's oxygen came in at 87% which is really great for him. The oxygen monitor wasn't registering at first and was giving us a 79...which would possibly mean a trip back to UAB in our very near future. We are also supplementing with formula (Similac Advanced) and he has been having reflux and and blood in his stool (deja vue...Emerson did the same thing with Enfamil Lipil) so we are making a switch to Enfamil Nutramigen with the hope that it is just a milk protein allergy (just like Emerson...). I just hope he doesn't have any of her other food allergy issues (i.e. peanuts and eggs).

Next week, we will be seeing Robert's pediatric cardiologist, Dr. Batton, where we will discuss what we need to be doing to keep his little heart in check. We know this will mean at least seeing our pediatrician weekly for oxygen level checks. We also have several other upcoming appointments with Immunologist and a Geneticist...and eventually a few others that deal with development.

1 comment:

  1. Give Robert hugs and kisses for me. We miss seeing you guys regularly.


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