Wednesday, March 27, 2013

30 Spaces in 30 Days Catch-Up

It has been quite a month so far!  I have been busy with just about everything and everyone!

I haven't abandoned my 30 Spaces in 30 Days project...I just haven't blogged about it!  Not all spaces are blog post worthy by themselves.  So I will get a few together at once for those, but some are definitely life changing (well, my life that is :)!  I just posted the Master Closet!

It is evident that since I started my 30 days officially on February 22nd that I may not reach my ultimate goal.  30 days are up... a few days ago - March 24th actually.  Oops.

Here is an idea of where I stand right now...(crossed out = done and checks = in process)

So I am extending myself two weeks.  I work on deadlines.  I need deadlines to get things done.  Therefore, I self impose deadlines on myself all the time for no other reason than I need it done.  And then I surpass my own deadlines and feel bad.  The endless cycle of life!

There have definitely been many days where I didn't work on anything.  Days I wasn't even home.  Life just isn't as simple as it comes across in a blog.  Emerson will be spending some time with her father in a week which should allow me time to wrap it all up without missing any of my sweet time with her.

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