Monday, May 16, 2011

Baby Update 5.16.11 (34 Weeks)

I’m FREE!  I was finally released from the hospital today!  But not before I ate my last Pollman’s cookie (Thanks, Catherine!).

frog frog bite

And I finally saw my fetal specialist…My doctor came in with the ultrasound tech to check on my fluid levels.  My fluid levels look “normal” (i.e. back to a decent/high range).  And then she tells me why I was there [why, oh why, can’t they just tell you up front…???].  Apparently, fluid was noticed around the baby’s heart on Friday…And that can lead to heart failure if not monitored very closely.  The fetal specialist said that there was evidence of a small amount of fluid still surrounding the heart, but she didn’t feel it was necessary to keep me in the hospital because of it.  I would see her on Wednesday mid-day sometime for a more detailed diagnostic at her clinic. 

Sometime before Wednesday, her nurse would be in contact with UAB to start scheduling appointments for possibly next week.  But first, I have a few errands to run and things to do…

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