Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday, Monday…(and 38 Weeks!)

It’s Monday.  Since Emerson went home to Mobile on Saturday, we have had 2 days of sleeping until we wake up…which hasn’t been all that late, but still. 

We are in the process of packing up our belongings and cleaning up our temporary space so we can move closer to the hospital within the next few days.  You know how people say that pregnant women go through a “nesting” phase?  Well, Phillip doesn’t get it, but I think my nesting instinct at this point is to just be closer to the hospital and have my things in one place so that when I get out of the hospital, I don’t have to drive 45 minutes to wherever my stuff is and I can actually find it when I get there (at the moment, it is spread across 2 drawers, 5 hangers in a closet, my suitcase, a few random bags, and the trunk of my car). 

Today, I am doing a few things that I have been putting off or unable to do for whatever reason.  And a few things to do that just need to be done before we move out. 

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